Camping in the garden... again

Gulliver was so excited about sleeping in the tent again that even though Zebedee said he wouldn't sleep in it too, and that meant he would have to be in there on his own for 3 hours before I came to bed, he still went for it!
To be honest I wasn't keen, I woke up at 6 with damp bedding and a cold nose, then waited for him to wake up to prove that I had been there, his happy little face made it all worth while this morning ;-) It began to rain at 7 and we imagined having to live the tent and wondered what we would eat, we thought Max might chuck our food in for us, or that we would have to hunt for bugs, Gulliver was really hoping the rain would be so bad that we would get marrooned and he wouldn't have to go to school ;-)

Just been for a wet dog walk with Emma and Belle which was very nice.

About to start work on a new song.

The Volvo is dead so Max is sorting all that out, not my department happily!

Edit, I took part in the ADAY project, see my album here

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