I love change and new things. For over a year now I have been forced into overcomplicated movement of pictures from camera to laptop and then to ipad to publish a blip because this elderly laptop refused to load photos onto blip. And now, lo! It all works straight from the laptop. If nothing else I love this. But I think the rest of it looks like a good job too. I have been at the non-user end of server migrations and upgrades at work, its a worrisome time so well done those blip central people.

Will had his class party today, he made himself a fine hat as you can see. And he looks bloody knackered. Just 2 more days of school, a 10 oclock ending panto with Beavers tomorrow night and a reading in church to do then he can get all caught up. Obvs he could help himself a little by not waking up at 6am.

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