Tarawera Times

By Megl

It's that time of the year again!

I often wonder why we put ourselves under such a load at christmas time, quite silly really, but there always seems to be that last minute rush to get the windows cleaned, xmas baking done, xmas pressies to buy, handmade goodies for special friends...and so it goes on. But as I cleaned the windows this morning I thought for me it gives a deadline for some of those chores that I do tend to put off for another day.

So another quick blip, got Ian to hold my glass plate in front of the xmas tree lights....I would have liked to have made it perfectly round, but as he only has one hand that he can use at the moment, I was grateful to just get part of the plate.

Just managed to find the edit "pencil" under "more info" to correct a mistake...that's good.

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