
By FarmerGirl

Morning Surprise

I looked out the window this morning and saw this Woodhen (aka 'Weka'), roaming the back lawn.  When I went out to photograph it, another one popped out of the garden - probably siblings from the nest they we had at the back of the farm.  They were having a good hunt around for worms and bugs.  Hopefully they won't stay around - they can be a bit of a pain stealing the cat food and pooing everywhere.

It was a wet start to the day, although not cold.  It was my last day at work for the year today, and was lucky enough to go out for lunch with TeeJay and our Receptionist to the Red Barn.  Tony the Peacock was there by our table, but I didn't have my camera with me to take any photo's of his beautiful colours.

With all the wet humid weather that we have been having, the grass in the paddocks is rampantly growing.  It is perfect dairying weather; the cows are enjoying the lush moist grass.  I hope it continues.

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