Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

This years tree

Had some bad news today. Our friends CB & MB were meant to be coming over. Unfortunately MB's sister was taken into hospital over night and they rushed down to see her.
Stopped by DR's house on the way to collecting SF from the airport and he kindly agreed to pick up a tall boy for us from the furniture shop.
SF arrived and managed to quickly fix both boilers. Went out to meet DR at the furniture shop. Turns out he didn't read my text correctly and his car is too small. Plan C now.
Went to Screw fix to order a new controller for the boiler and some straps to take the tall boy back on the roof tomorrow. Came back and went out to get the Christmas tree for this year. J chose on that was too big for the car and they didn't have any netting anyway, as a result the dropped it off later in the day. It arrived just as the house warming party got started. As a result we didn't have time to fit it into the stand correctly.

Had a great night catching up with people at the party and didn't get to bed till the early hours.


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