horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Watch, Wolf, Wizard

Some days you don't realise just how cracking the day has been till the end. Today has had a bit of everything.

Off work; some time in the garden with the chooks; wander through the park with a nice kingfisher spot (sadly as he flew away from me); Ruffians for a hot shave and haircut leaving me feeling completely and utterly chilled; pick Mel up from work, getting an email as I waited with news of a fantastic new job an agency is putting me forward for, then back for a quick dinner, then into town to watch the Wizard of Oz on the big screen, with a man in a Wolf's head walking to the front every now and then to hold up a big number signifying what in a big box on our laps was to be eaten or drunk next (from little sausages, to gorgeous cocktails, via toffee apples).

Downsides to the day? I'm another, I'm afraid, who doesn't like the Blip redesign. Need to compose thoughts on it for some constructive feedback, but I just don't think the new version has a classy, engaging feel and look that was present in the old version. And there just seems to be some added complexity (around things like the calendar and year ago blips) that wasn't needed.

Oh, and is the blipfolio gone? I've used links to that for various sites that I'm really going to have to go and change now....

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