Broken Window

I am a broken soul
I live in a broken home
I am the broken window in that house
I sit and watch the world around me break
as I myself break
break away into pieces
falling into this broken world
my house is filled with broken dreams
broken past
broken promise
broken futures
my life has been broken
it has fallen to pieces
glass pieces
sharp pieces
it broke into so many tiny pieces
I do not know if I can be put back together
for I am a puzzle
without a map
with missing pieces
pieces lost so long ago
pieces I don't know if I can find
for I don't know if I will ever be whole again
I don't know if that is possible
for I might just be broken beyond repair
I may have finally reached that time
the time when it is too late
for my life has fallen into too many pieces
tiny pieces
tiny pieces of glass
I try to put them together
but it hurts
for they make me bleed
they cut me into pieces
as I try putting other pieces back together
damn these pieces
for they are to sharp
too tiny to hold
the more I try to put my life back together
the more it cuts me into tiny pieces
such tiny pieces
and they keep getting smaller

Scarlet .....

And for the record, full window in my sunlounge, totally shattered and we have no idea how !

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