Not in danger

Our morning started in chaos. We were sat quietly at breakfast, Normous with the paper and me with my iPad when there was a crash at the cat flap and Coco rushed in with a tiny live mouse. She took it off to the sitting room, chased by Normous. She soon dropped it and the mouse made its escape. How they run, live mice! Normous caught it eventually and took it to a remote part of the garden. Coco was shut in for a while, to give the mouse a chance, but no sooner was the cat flap opened than in she rushed again with either the same little mouse or another one. Normous was incandescent  very cross and threatened Coco with shut down, but she was allowed out eventually, and there have been no more mice today, so far.
This funny little mouse hangs on our Christmas tree. I've had it many years and don't know where it came from. I guess its smug expression is because it knows it is in no danger from marauding cats!
No blip inspiration today, sorry. I am suffering with a heavy cold. It had better be gone by Christmas.

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