End of....

The light  - very nearly the shortest day and then we can start looking forward to spring

Term - thank goodness. Still 3 mornings of work for me, but so much easier when I have only myself to  think about. Everyone else can stay in their pyjamas for all I care. Actually, so can I as I wont have to take anyone to school

Physio - it was my last session today, She spent most of the time counselling me on my continued re-habilitation. She reckons I am 60% healed but I can manage the rest by myself as long as I dont expect extreme, wonderful results in a week. It was really good to hear actually, i forgot to ask her what that meant in terms of Everest but I think I must be well out of the foot hills now.

And now we have no drama drop off and pick up this evening (hurray!). Fish and chips for tea and now I am going to take my new book and a glass of red wine and have a bath. How very lovely.

Best of Friday evenings to you, lovelys xxx

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