Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Went out this morning thinking I would only be an hour or so ended up being over 3!! First stop was to the farm where we manage the livestock on to check on the tups and move the blackfaced ewes and tup into a new field before they ran out of grass. Then a run on the beach for the boys and Breagh. Apparently it wasn't too cold for the collies!! Took nearly 200 photos of dogs sun waves combinations made choosing my favourite very difficult, Also got some great shots of a hail shower hitting us. Then it was off to another farm to pick up some tote bags for getting our feeding blown into next week. Stopped in at the shop and fuel station on the way back.

Just as I was coming down the track to the farm gate I found 2 ewes I thought initially they were the neighbours sheep chancing their luck but on closer inspection I discovered that one of them had our keel mark (we put green on the wool at the shoulder to identify our stock as ours from  a distance!) She is one of 4 ewes that has been missing from August time. It was nice of her to come home. I couldn't separate off the neighbours sheep at the gate so had to gather them into our handling system to take off the other ewe. I then put her in the pick up and took her home. 

Sitting room has been sanded down and sized. Lining paper hanging tomorrow. We have abandoned using the room now. Cant wait until it is done!!

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