Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Best Laid Plans....

Last day of our course today and somehow I didn't get any photos! First time ever I reckon! Bb and I headed downtown to join some teachers tonight at a new venue for us ( straight from work for me). The taxi driver took us on a wild goose chase and unfortunately we hadn't done our homework and didn't know if we were on track or not. Turned out not, and by the time we got to where he wanted us to get out, we were tired, a tad grumpy (me) and so we cut our losses and told him to to the Greek Club. .At least we know where that is. Got there, climbed up to the first floor and it was closed! ' Come back in one week Sir'. Ok, round the corner to Cafe Riche....faaar too smoky! Eventually we sat down in Seagull, our local fish restaurant, and this was where this blip was taken.

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