Just Because

By Sarah75

Baby blip

Firstly thank you for the views, comments and stars for my 100th blip yesterday

This is my cousin's beautiful baby girl, Eva. She's now 7 weeks old and still has her mop of lovely hair, now in so many shades of brown, with blond streaks too. I'd pay good money for those sort of highlights!

I've had a baby kind of day today. I looked after a friend's 3 year old for a couple of hours this morning and I think he had a good time as my friend had to prise his fingertips off the door frame as she dragged him out of my house! He was clinging on for dear life an wailing that he wanted to stay :-)

Then I did a bit of work, and set off for the school run, which ended up feeling like Armageddon! Right on cue at 3.30pm, the sky went black and thunder rumbled and shook the ground, hail pounded and bounced while lightening crackled and forked across the sky (a bit too close for my liking too!). The good news is that Jay's a LOT braver than me it seems. I contemplated letting him drive as I was just a tad freaked out but as he's not quite 9 yet he decided I should drive.

Hope you all had a good day x

PS Could you please pray to the gods of camping for me, we go for the first camp of the year this Friday and it would be nice if it's not below freezing and hailing!

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