The Stone Beach

A walk, not more than a mile
along the barricade of land
between the ocean and the grey lagoon.
Six of us, hand in hand,

connected by blood. Underfoot
a billion stones and pebbles -
new potatoes, mint imperials,

the eggs of birds -
each rock more infinitely formed
than anything we own.
Spoilt for choice - which one to throw,
which to pocket and take home.....

From Simon Armitage's The Stone Beach

A chilled day today - actually a couple of walks have been taken. Son#1 and I ambled around the circuit whilst Himself battled with the hordes in SuperValu doing the Christmas food shop.
Then we all went down to the lake for another spot of photography and to take the air, which was rather bracing.  Four russet alpacas sat contentedly with their flock of chickens in a field, two swans floated bottom up on the lake feeding, and a cluster of gulls chatted out on the rocks. The brambles made a nice splash of colour amongst the greys of the stones, new potatoes and mint imperials. A spot of sea air and  Son#1 went into nautical mode!
It looks like shepherd's pie and Die Hard (apparently very Christmasy - quote son#1) are on the cards for tonight.

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