Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Incompetent plonkers!!

Sorry for the title but......AAAAAARRRGHHH!!!

I have spent alot of the morning on the phone, trying to find out the answer to 1 question!
I applied for Incapacity Benefit as my sick pay has run out. Last week I spent 40mins on the phone asnwering loads of questions and was told I need to send various documents to them to back up my claim. That's fair enough.
When I received the information to tell me what they needed , they didn't say if they had to be the originals or photocopies. Would they send the originals back?
That was the question I tried to find the answer to today. I was passed from one number to another, with nobody knowing the answer!!!!! It's a fairly simple question, but not to them. In the end I got a final answer 'mmm, I think they will need to have the originals, but why do you want them back'!!! EH, HELLO, I'M GIVING YOU MY MORTGAGE AGREEMENT, MY SHARE CERTIFICATES, BANK STATEMENTS ETC!!!!!
So in the end I am going to photocopy everything myself to keep and send the originals. I could have come off the phone, took a deep breath and counted to 10, but instead I screamed!!
All this while trying to lie as flat as I can!!

Oh and the roses were a gift from my mum!!

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