Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

The return of #20 and new cars for Dolores

I mentioned in a previous blip that my #74 was away on a vacation in Texas getting tuned up. Number 20 in this blip was also at "camp" and returned ready to roll.  Certainly runs better.  Here she is at the "Durango" yard coupling up to another new flat car I recently built.  The sister to this car is now loaded with tractors (in a previous blip).  The cars are for delivery to Dolores.  The RGS did in fact deliver cars this way in the late 40's.

#20 was the first Sn3 locomotive I bought and was used.  I wanted it as it has a special herald (logo) on the tender.  It is a sailing ship.  The locomotive was used in the filming of "A Ticket to Tomahawk" in 1949. The movie company repainted the loco and caller her the Emma Sweeny.  Right after filming, the RGS needed to put the loco into service for the fall cattle rush - picking up cattle at the stock pens at Lizard Head pass and bringing them to lower altitudes.  But they left the clipper ship herald on the tender and painted "Rio Grande Southern" above it in small letters.  Quirky but maybe my favorite locomotive.  In fact, #20 is currently being rebuilt in Pennsylvania and will some day steam again - but not with the clipper ship on its tender.  The rebuilt loco will have the sunrise herald like the other locos.

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