
By LaKwAtSeRa

Arts Centre decor

The decorations by the glass ceiling at Warwick Arts Centre reminds me so much of my research. Even at the Arts Centre, I am hunted by spheres which seems to be arranging themselves in a specific manner to achieve some order (or beauty in this case). This PhD business is making me crazy! 0_0

I went to Tesco Leamington today after working in the lab. Bought a few packets of meat for the coming days. As i was leaving the store, carolers were singing outside at around 830pm. They were incredibly good. If you are not looking at them, they seem like a full choir. And there were just 3 of them! People at the bus stop near where they were singing were saying that the carolers were singing right in front of the cash machines because they were hoping for tips. They didnt seem like they were asking for money though. There were only about 6 people around the area and all left (includig me) when the number 11 bus came. I dont know how they would be able to solicit money if they started singing that late in the night and in a place with almost no soul comes by. Perhaps they were sincerely spreading Christmas cheers???

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