The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

My Two Jessies....

We all went out this morning to let Maddi buy her Daddy a card and his Christmas present, she was adamant what she was buying and wouldn't be put off what she was buying.
So we then spent a few minutes to go into a charity shop as Maddi thought she saw something she wanted so in we went, she climbed into the window and pulled out the Jessie Doll, it was marked up as £10:00 which Mrs BM refused to pay so he cut it to £5:00, again Mrs would part with any cash, in the end the guy offered it for £3:00, so we walked out with it, or Maddi did any how.

We then found this card shop that Maddi chose her card for her Daddy, she also found the Hat so she looked like her new Doll.

We got home and she said she wanted her picture taken and put on Blip.
She knows what she wants and get won't stop till she gets it.

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