Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Christmas countdown .....

Christmas is the time for helping Santa with delivering all the presents and getting ready for those two days of the year where you eat, drink and are merry.

Started at 8am with a sainsbury delivery of first part of shopping - brilliant, not having to lug around all those heavy boxes of drink/food.

Then a visit from my number one brother and his wife, and also their granddaughter. She is such a poppet, good as gold, and very content. Stayed for lunch and had a good chat and catch up.

Then in the afternoon after our visitors had left, off to Sainsburys again for the fresh items. All purchased and now we are ready. Only things like bread/milk to buy nearer the time, space seems to be a bit of a challenge!

Home, shopping away then tea - bit late but yummy. I then had to re-ice the Christmas cake that disasteriously feel into the dishwasher in the week! Fingers crossed this time.

Then further chrustmas preparations and cooking some cakes.

Finally sitting down with a G&T, very nice (well it is Christmas).


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