and through the wire...

By hesscat

12 days of... #8

I'm fairly getting through these 12 days... but there's a clear theme I had not noticed when planning this.  Christmas always seems to look better lit up?

This is our village hall and I don't think I have seen it look so good, because it has lights on it - I don't remember lights before, especially ones like this. It was the Moorflix Christmas showings tonight, first Miracle on 34th Street (1994) which I have never seen but I had a few tears in my eye, And later on it was...

.... Hobbitonathon Day 2 and have managed to get to this point without knowing anything about Day 3, except Ms H's look of despair/sadness on Wednesday. I have only seen Day 2 once before shortly after Day 1 last Christmas, but I enjoyed it so much more than last time. The sound was amazing in the hall especially Smaug. Day 3 tomorrow... the excitement grows :-)

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