My colourful life!

By rainbowtaylor

Training afar!

Up early for a conference today in Chelmsford. Fourth person didn't turn up for the lift so we were late cos we waited 20 mins and got stuck in traffic.

The conference was interesting in parts and dull and repetitive in others. The catering was very nice so that is a plus! The two ladies I went with surprised me by saying they wanted to leave almost two hours before the end!! I could hardly refuse as they are senior to me and has control of the transport!! So home much earlier than I thought! Felt naughty though.

Parents were here to help out. Thank you. Friend picked up son and took to beavers. First one I've missed!

It's cold here tonight. Not put heating on for a while now. But I can't feel my toes at the mo! Stuck watching Silk on tv with a delay so can't go to bed to watch it there!

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