A Peaceful Winter Solstice to All

Those of us who celebrate the Winter Solstice welcome back the Light. In the Northern Hemisphere Dec 21 is considered the shortest day of the year.  For Pagans this celebration is called Yule, the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of the winter season, and is one of the oldest winter celebrations known. Yule predates the Christian holiday of Christmas by many centuries. The Druids typically celebrate the holiday at Stonehenge in England. Last year 3,500+ visitors joined them to watch the sun rise at the ancient structure.

Elder Dog JAZ, Maica, Tara and Leo the Cat along with Maura and Connie wish all of our Blipping Friends out there in the world a Peaceful Winter Solstice and whatever other wonderful holidays you and those you love celebrate.
Peace, Love, Good Health and Happiness to all. :)

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