
A very quiet day today, and it was great. 

Up and out to see +2/3 in the church nativity (supporting angel role, they were all very cute and no nose picking... that I saw anyway) then back for lunch (the collision of two fridge soups meant the purple of yesterday because just plain brown and quite edible) with cheese on toast. 

After lunch we did... nothing. +3/3 and I eventually sat down to watch the Lorax (Dr. Seuss was on crack, I'm sure) and we sat and cuddled for the whole film. It was brilliant. +2/3 went out to a classmate's birthday party and spent the afternoon running around like daft.

Before the film and party came the fort building: all cushions, duvets and pillows were collected and the landing was split into three areas complete with passwords and gates. +1/3's area had it's own flag (suspiciously like a Saltire) and was apparently called The Democratic Republic of Jacklandia. Hmmmm. I'm not sure there would be much democracy there.

Risotto for dinner (+3/3's suggestion, honestly) then off to bed early for all of the +3s... 

Music for the day was mainly courtesy of R3, the highlight of which was probably the Christmas Around Europe programme featuring traditional Icelandic music. The tune depicting the Yule Cat was particularly good...

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