It is the darkest time of the year

The winter solstice occured today at 1:03 am Finnish time. 

Ethnologist Kustaa Vilkuna wrote in 1950 that the darkest days of the year – December 21—24 – were belived in old Finnish lore to be good days for soothsaying and weather predictions. For instance, the following summer was believed to be rainy if the sun did not emerge from behind the clouds during this time, while even a few rays of light would be enough to ensure a dry, clear summertime >> few sun rays was seen today! Yay!

The thermal winter has finally begun in southern Finland - the average air temperature is now below freezing in the whole country. Winter usually begins in mid-October in Lapland and during November in the rest of Finland. But... we don't have the snow yet.  We should get some on the Christmas eve.

Our Christmas preparation is proceeding very well, but I have to admit that I start to feel myself exhausted... One more day to go!

(We shopped the Christmas tree today. It was from Tammelantori market and cost 40 euros)

-4° C, cloudy (it was almost -10°C last night)

The sun rose at 9:43, sunset was at 15:04. The day length 5 h 21 min.

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