
By Lightfantastic

Fairy Star

Mono Monday Challenge: Festive


I had only recently passed my driving test. Mum was looking after the tots and would collect son J from School. I set off to drive the 50 miles to Plymouth on my own for the first time to do the Christmas shopping. It had been raining and there were still heavy showers about. Wet roads masked nearly flooded parts of the road in several places. I nearly turned back but with the must get presents for the children to buy before the shops ran out I drove on. I did wonder would I be able to get back. I eventually got to Plymouth and found somewhere to park. I managed to get all the toys for the children. I think it was a Rainbow Bright doll for my daughter but what I got the boys I can’t remember. I stowed them in the car and went to get some much needed lunch and coffee. Wondering through a department store I stopped to peruse the Christmas decorations. A basket of delicate fairy dolls took my eye, I chose one or did she choose me? She looked brilliant at the top of the tree. The drive home in the dusk was difficult but I took my time. As I drove down the hill from St Steven by Lanson and turned the corner the full moon was reflected in the flooded meadows.


Every year since then I have carefully unwrapped the doll from the tissue paper and placed her where she belongs at the top of the tree.  The star behind is all that remains of one J & I bought when he was a toddler. It has lost its other inner stars and gold centre and now makes star wings for the fairy doll.  On twelfth night she will be taken down, carefully wrapped up and put in the Christmas box until it is time for her to shine again.

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