Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Yesterday, as I mentioned, was horrific. Luckily, things have improved a bit today.

It was with a certain amount of trepidation that I entered the kitchen this morning at 6am, and I was very relieved to see that the floor was clean and the poor wee dog had not had any more upset during the night.  However, he was clearly still very unwell. 

I had to take him to the vet again at 8.30am, when they would decide whether or not to keep him in and put a drip in to rehydrate him.  Luckily the anti-sickness shot he got last night had worked, and so he had managed to keep down the sips of water I let him have. 

Vet Roddy gave me a supply of antibiotics, and a bill for £110.  Ulp! the week before Christmas? Thank goodness we did the food shop last night!

I took Rocky home, and settled him down.  Funny, he only has to go in his crate when we are going out in the car. I never use it at home.  However, to try to stop him wandering around the house being ill yesterday, and because his bed was soiled, I had put the cage in the kitchen for him, full of lovely fluffy towels to lie on.  He obviously likes the security of it, because he couldn't wait to get back in and go to sleep. 

Roddy says it is Colitis, and probably bacterial in origin, so he gave us a supply of antibiotics. I finished work early, and came home to give Rocky the first one with a tiny bit of chicken, which was very eagerly accepted!  We went out for a short walk, I didn't want to tire him out. 

Tonight when I came home I brought a new bed for him, and took the crate back to the garage where it belongs.  He was a bit miffed for a while, but eventually had a nose about at the new bed, before climbing onto it (looking a bit like the Princess and the Pea) and giving it the seal of approval. 

Still not 100%, but I feel I have got him back.  It's been a worrying 24 hours. 

On another note, the new fridge is now installed in its proper position, and is full of food.  But I still haven't wrapped the parcels!

Ach well, there are still 2 days to go!

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