Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

In the Shade

It was another sunny day. We went to Cloud Mountain nursery to get the last of the plants (we thought) in the morning, but there was one plant they didn't have. It's a good thing Cynthia likes shopping for plants -- one of the few kinds of shopping she does like.

Yesterday I cut the neighbors's lawn, today I cut ours. I waited until late afternoon but it was still hot work. The sun was reflecting off the sliding glass doors, so I was getting grilled on both sides.

I was glad to get in the shade to continue working on the stepping stones. You can see from the reflections how bright it was away from the shadow cast by the house and trees. The large plan in the lower corner is the one drawn by our landscape designer. The smaller sheet is C's revised version. You can see them in more detail here.

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