
By dorsetb

Bangs of Expectation - It's a cracker !!

Tom Smith , an English confectioner, invented Crackers in 1847. He conceived the ides while on holiday in Paris where the presentation of 'bon- bons' impressed him .Later , inspired by a crackling log fire he developed a friction strip which snapped as the cracker was pulled and he added small gifts and a motto ( nowadays an awful joke !!).
This year I chose a cracker advent calendar( not very sensible !!!) - family , friends and visitors have helped out . It wasn't until a US guest confessed to not knowing about the tradition and had never pulled a cracker , heard the lousy joke and worn the flimsy paper hat we realised  it  is not universal. Of course why should it ?.
Do you have crackers in your country ??? Do you have a favourite cracker joke ???( oh dear )
My cracker gifts  this year are all little  paper  characters from the nativity to make!!! - watch this space tomorrow .

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