Today Moira and I made Gingerbread Cookies.  She was so excited to bake these cookies.  It was hard for her to wait until the cookies were cool enough to decorate.  I did not have to help her very much with the decorating.  Several M & M's and gumdrops were consumed during this production! Moira's smiles and giggles were a joy to watch while she rolled the dough, cut out the men, and decorated each one.  After her nap, I had her use little Christmas rubber stamps and she decorated white bags to put the cookies in.  A cookie for her Mommy, Daddy, and her other grandparents.  She was very happy to share her cookies.  Particularly with the cookie Monster who came home from work very hungry, Pop!  This is one very excited child.  I am happy that I had today with her, but I am looking forward to having the rest of the week off!  One more day…...

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