George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


I do not like this.  I do not like it at all.  It's no consolation that it was Raj's turn to look an idiot last year.  Why me this year?  Raj could do it again - it's tradition.

I want you to look at a number of indicators here.  First of all my tail.  It's down.  My tail is NEVER down except when I am exceptionally tired or when I am exceptionally miserable.  I'll give you a guess as to which one it was this time.

Second: look at my eyes.  Generally I have smiley eyes; except when I am tired or exceptionally miserable.  Guess which one.

And third, my head is drooping.   My head never droops, except when ...............  well, I don't need to go through it all again do I?.

I'm miserable.  MISERABLE.  Get this thing off me.  NOW.

Oh, good news - only one more sleep until the man in red comes.  He won't get down our chimney in a hurry.  "Cause I'll bark the house down.

AND Aunty Wendy is coming up for tea - that's always fun. 

And I do know that there are Presents under the tree for ME.  I'll tear them to shreds, and I won't be miserable any more.

Hey, Merry Christmas Eve, everyone.

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