The Way I See Things


Happy Christmas from me

(With apologies to FB friends, who have already seen an earlier version of this shot!) My other thought for today was to try that very amusing thing of shoving a wide-angle lens close to the face of a dog, but it turns out that an enthusiastic puppy is easier to work with here (at least till you're cleaning dog snot off your UV filter) than a grumpy 13-year-old JRT. I put a couple of them here, if you care.

Sooo.... Offspring home, food purchased, overflow food stashed in secured cool boxes outside on the patio, presents wrapped, final delivery of Christmas cards received with no nasty surprises..... 

There's just time now to do a smidge of cleaning and make a frangipane quincemeat tart, before I exercute one of my renowned dives into a small bucket of fizz. A reverse one and a half somersault with three and a half twists will be quite adequate today, I think - I wouldn't want to peak too early in the season.

I am aware that for a variety of reasons this is a difficult time of year for many people. I hope that all Blipfriends receive what you most hope for, and wish you peace and contentment.

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