
By PJG844

Spider and I

Woke up, made 3M a cup of tea (or, cuppa, if one wishes to use the vernacular of “dahn sarf”) and went back to bed, in the process stealing the quilt from 3M, making her get up and go to the living room. Got up again about 2 hours later, still in a muttering mood but nowhere like yesterday. I reckon I'm unique in being able to argue out loud with myself and lose. And at no time, when I talk to myself, do I say “I know you …..”.

I know nothing about spiders but I have no real problem with them in the house. These days neither does 3M, at least not like she used to have. At one time she was the stereotype of a jittering Jessie, even to the extent of screaming, if she saw a spider. At least now she can use a glass and a bit of card to move them, if she wants, but she has at last accepted it is not a good thing to throw a house spider outside. This one was in the doorway of the utility room this morning and has been there all day. The only issue I have is that I think the spiders here, if they made the effort, could grow up to 8 inches in diameter, but only they ate all the midges and then they could have a nice, long break over the winter. But they don't. Which is disappointing.

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