Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Christmas Eve - the second last door of the calendar is opened, to reveal the runner up in the Great Chieftain of the Pudding Race: laydeez an' gen'lemen - I give you The Clootie Dumpling!

Mum makes me one of these every year for Christmas, or more particularly for my birthday, as they are one and the same. 

This great big steamed pudding, with its delicious flour and water skin, is full of tasty fruit and spices, and is equally delicious hot or cold.  It can be cut into slices and fried, then served hot with sugar and lemon juice sprinkled on. Or heated in the oven, and dished up with ice cream or pouring cream.  This year's one is a masterpiece!

G has made his tomato and basil soup.   So there is just my bit in the middle to do tomorrow!

Today has been nuts.  I did a bit of housework in the morning, then spent all the rest of the time until tea rushing around delivering parcels and cards.  Had a Chinese takeaway for tea.  I'm heading up for a nice bath now, and will sneakily wrap the hastily bought last minute presents for G while I am upstairs.   

Had a wee chat with the Bandits on the phone; Arlo told me "Granny, there's good news and bad news.  The bad news is - Santa knows we have been quite naughty lately.  The good news is - we still managed to get on the 'Good' list"! 

Whew!  He had me worried for a minute. 

My sister and I are going to the Watchnight Service at 11 o'clock, and after that it will really be Christmas. 

Don't imagine I will be blipping tomorrow, but I wish every one of my fellow Blippers a lovely and happy Christmas Day, doing (hopefully) exactly what we want to be doing. 

Happy Christmas!

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