Only one left......

...... a long time ago, when my kids were really small kids, I sew 24 little bags - for each day of advent one, and filled them with little trinkets, chocolates, erasers, marbles, ........ for each day one little gift. 
Soon enough I decided to sew 2 additional sets of bags - the daily screeches 'IIIIIIIII want to cut it!!!! IIIIIIIIII want to open it!!!!!' weren't exactly supporting my christmas cheer.......
Now they are older and aren't living at home part of advent  - how could I stop this tradition - so at the end of november you can see me hauling parcels to the post office to send them away......
When they come home for christmas the 'rest' of their small bags await them - like they did in former times - on a hanger at our front door .....
And today there was only one bag left. That means the 'christkind', the one that brings the presents at christmas in Bavaria, will be coming this evening ........ (We get our presents on christmas eve.......) 

I wish you all a very happy christmas! Enjoy your days :-))

Fröhliche Weihnachten!!

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