
By memento

Navigational beacon

Our neighbor across the street is making sure the sleigh doesn't go screeching by without stopping. In fact, the International Space Station is using this as a beacon to pinpoint Northern North America. It is just past 4:00am and I can see why Santa likes doing his work this time of day. It's pretty quiet.

I just slipped out and skulked down the street to complete my mission, hoping that a patrolling cop doesn't come around the corner. For years, I have been the secret person who lets myself into my neighbor's house while they're out of town, eats takes and shares the cookies that my favorite little neighbor girl leaves out and leaves an "official" Santa letter in its place.

This year they are home for Christmas so I thought I was off the hook. She is almost twelve and her belief in Santa is becoming a bit shaky. Despite that, she went to see the downtown Santa at Macy's department store this evening.

After being informed of this by her mother via text, I decided that an official letter with that particular Santa's pic on it, dropped in their mailbox, would be in order. I'm trying to think like she would: it can't be her mom or dad's doing because she's been with them all day. Neither of them would attempt such a thing overnight, they aren't inclined. I'll just play dumb if she asks me tomorrow, I mean today. 

Four hours sleep will have to do. Merry Christmas all. x

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