It's a bugs life.

Went extra miles on our walk today, cut across the road again to the rape fields. Saw two Red Deer just appear right in front of us, Kirsty gave chase but it was very near the road and my heart was in my mouth, She didn't pursue so both were safe phew!!!! Carried on through some trees and came into waht I think was Ixworth Park but I am not sure. Took load of landscape shots today. On the way back, came across this bee thing on a dandilion. Didn't have my macro lens so used the settings on my camera, When I put it up I noticed, what I think to be, a 10 spotted ladbird. Have never seen one before, so decided on this shot. Have a good evening all Tina and Kirsy dog xx

p.s.Try large to see the little fellow.

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