Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Watch The Birdie

Christmas Day at last. It's been great!
I woke up at 4.30am and had to wait 2 whole hours for the children to wake up. They eventually came in at 6.45 to open their stockings then we headed downstairs to open their sacks of presents. They were really pleased with everything they got so I headed back to bed for an hour, leaving D to set up Alf's Playstation and Poppy's Laptop.
After church with my parents, we opened some champagne and I undertook some menial tasks (laying table, draining veg) while David took complete control of lunch. He did a fantastic job (as usual) and we all sat down to a gorgeous christmas dinner.

At about 5 o'clock it was time for the grown ups to open presents. The tradition is that the children hand them out, then Poppy insisted we took it in turns to open them, one at a time. I got some amazing presents and most of them were complete surprises.

This evening we played a couple of the children's new games and ate even more food.

Tomorrow we're doing it all again.!!

Hope your Christmas Day has been happy and bright.

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