Running the animals through the crush

It is time despite the bad weather to get all the livestock out grazing on the farm. The Herefords have been out and then in and out again, the stores went out a week or so ago and now it is the turn of the young ones bought as calves last autumn. How they have grown!

T and O were pushing them through the cattle crush to be drenched against worms and looked over before being herded into the trailer and taken to the other side of the farm. It took several loads, the old Land Rover giving up the ghost at one point but they all arrived there safely.

Talk about squirrels stealing nuts from birdfeeders - we have had a plump rat swinging under the apple tree. I wondered why the peanuts were disappearing so quickly! T was able to shoot it while it was sitting on the lawn looking like a rabbit. I am always wary of Weil's disease which is notifiable by law and can prove fatal if not treated early.

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