Good morning!

"Please nice lady, can I come through the railings to see you? My paws are so cold walking over that frosty grass. I just want to get warm. She didn't even put my on wooly jumper. I see these big macho dogs wearing warm coats while I shiver, (although I wouldn't like the flashing a reindeer antlers that seem to go with their outfits.)

Do you like my red lead? It was a present from santa. Who know what else he might have left me had I not barked like billy-o I as he slid down our chimney. I got such a fright!

I know it suits my colouring but without it I could chase all those pesky seagulls that are sitting like frozen stones on my grass because not one of my friends is out to play with this morning.

I expect their owners are having a long lie after yesterdays's over indulgence but you look like a lady who was more sensible. How do I know that, you are thinking? Well it just turned 9 am and here you are out in freezing temperatures with your camera taking photos of a white rimey world.
What's that you say? Oh you are one of them- a cult member of Blipfoto? Well if you insist, I can pose for you and I don't even mind appearing on the Internet.
Without being bumptious, I'm sure I will make a much more interesting image than a frosty Meadows".

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