Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


I'm so glad Xmas is over! I know I sound like the grinch but it's taken its toll on me.
The boys have had too much stuff and really don't need most of it. I would have preferred to have had the money for either their savings or to get stuff they actually need (mostly clothes and new shoes).

Also it's taken its toll on the boys we've had two hideous bed times and are in the middle of our third. It's all been too much for them and they are very overwhelmed and confused by what's going on.
It hasn't helped that they are teething too!
Elliot's disturbed sleep is really starting to stress and upset me again. I haven't had a good nights sleep in nearly a month and lately he's been waking up after about2 hours of sleep and is so upset he won't go off to sleep in his cot. Meaning he ends up in bed with us and I seem to fall asleep before he is settled enough to go back in his cot.

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