Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

A visit to the Quayside

A busy day! First I visited a few people back at school, staff and students. It was really quite odd being back - I was surprised that I didn't miss it too much, even though I was very apprehensive about leaving the school which I saw as my safe little bubble in May. It was great to see people and catch up, and I was also there to arrange doing some talks in January (before I move back down to Oxford) about studying/applying to Oxford as part of my role as Student Ambassador for Jesus College. 

Charlotte and I then headed into town for food and to do our Christmas shopping. It was a really nice evening. We went to a buffet restaurant called Za Za Bazaar in the Gate which is a really cool place, we're big fans. I'm an even bigger fan when I get student discount. Christmas shopping was also a success, I came away with plenty of gifts (though also feeling significantly poorer!). As we were leaving town, I asked her if we could go down to the Quayside. She agreed, we got a little lost on the way, but we made it. It was chilly but we walked across the Millennium Bridge and took a few photos before going back to the warmth of the car. The evening ended with a trip to McDonalds DriveThru, Charlotte wearing a banana onesie... I've missed her!

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