The Way I See Things


Prehensile squirrel

Mr Nutkin here spent about 15 minutes this afternoon casually hanging by his tail from the apple tree branch so as to leave both front paws free for raiding my seed feeder. I took a bunch of shots, but chose this one because I like the overall composition - if I remember tomorrow I'll put some of the others on Flickr.

He definitely is Alpha Squirrel round here - the others get to feed provided they're not in his way, but woe betide them if they are. Recently he's also begun to take exception to a flock of young jackdaws which often hang around under the feeders looking for spillage, and will attack them and put them up - it doesn't seem to have occurred either to them or to him that they're bigger than he is and outnumber him. I hope he doesn't get too far above himself, because I find his chutzpah rather appealing....

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