twinned with trumpton


Granny, Grandpa, Grandsons

A gentle start to the day; breakfast at a leisurely pace then took the boys to see the grandparents. Foggy drive up.

Nice lunch - ham and trifle; old skool but good.

Wander around the homestead in the bitter cold; then bolted for home as we had a dodgy alternator. Made it to Sooth Queensfurry before we were halted in our tracks. All the boys Christmases had come at once - McDonalds followed by break down truck to drag us home. They were so thrilled.

She arrived as we did and after they went to bed we enjoyed a couple of relaxed hours on the sofa with smoked mackerel with orange / cous cous salad. Worked really well.

A relaxed evening for once,

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