My New Sleep Socks

I knew I'd have to get an early start if I was going to be able to wear my socks to bed tonight. Plus, since I would be trespassing...getting there early might help.

I hurdled the fence, scaring the 5 llamas. Whichever one I could corner, that would be the color of my socks.

I hog-tied this guy, and wrassled him to the ground. Like a doggie at the rodeo. I took out my shears...keeping his head away from me. (They bite, and spit!) I only took as much wool as I would need for my pair of socks. Hurry home! Hurry home!

The spinning wheel was next. The batting was in the shape of a rectangle...a big hunk of wool. Since I want the socks to be warm, I drafted the most fibers into the wheel (from the batting) that I could. I worked the treadle (foot control), together with my drive hand and my brake hand. It's like a fine symphony when everything clicks in. As the yarn rolled onto the bobbin, I decided to ply it from two separate make the socks even stronger.(We're cookin now!!!) the needles. 5 double-pointed needles, 4 to hold the work...with one floater to work the sock. Knit 2, purl 2...knit 2, purl 2. Over and over again, with my only problem being what to do with the gusset.

THEY'RE DONE! I can hardly wait to try them! I would have used them for my blip, but I wanted to show the source. Plus, I think it would have been kind of bragging to show my knitting skills.

Believe what you may, but I did get a picture...and...OH!...what you can learn from Google!!

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