The Chives

"I'm a very friendly lion called Parsley,I am always very glad to see you wave.
But please don't shout or speak to me too harshly, because I'm not particularly brave."

If you are of an age this will mean something to you. And now you'll have this song going round your head - hopefully in a nice way - for hours. Of course you youngsters won't know about Parsley the lion or Dill the dog or Bayleaf, the gardener who works from early dawn. Or the Chives. You might not remember when England won the World Cup or when Neil took one small step for man.

You can blame this reflection upon age on Emmala. She asked if I'd watched "56 Up" the other night (I didn't) but on the way home I started thinking about the bits of the last 50 years that I remembered. By chance there is a retrospective on Noele Gordon on TV just now and they are playing clips from Crossroads!

So, mes amis, we've taken a big old bite out of Wednesday so I hope you have time for a chill before Thursday hoves into view.

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