Sugar Magnolia

By cew


John has finally received the sweater that has been on the needles for more than a couple of years!
It fits him so perfectly….I'm thrilled to say the least.
He also likes his hat although I think he wanted a plain black one.
Oh well…this one is cool and I used up a lot of wee scraps of wool to boot!
Our Christmas the day after Christmas was nice although the two of them were very tired from all the celebrating they have been doing all week!!
My roast beef dinner was delish and they got lots of left overs to take with them.
Sarah really liked her fingerless mitts but the hat I made her was waaaay too big. I have already started a smaller one for her!
I wasn't expecting anything from them because money is a bit tight right now (to say the least) but they did get me some lovely hot chocolate with a mug and chocolate spoons!!! and some face cream for old, wrinkly people, and the book I wanted…..Wheat Belly!!!
So it was a nice day….back to work tomorrow! Just for one day then off for 2 more!

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