What happened was...

By DJHairbear

Long Live The King

I left work this evening to hear the news that Liverpool FC's American owners FSG have sacked Kenny Dalglish after less than 18 months in charge, a decision that I along with many other Liverpool fans am very upset and angry about.

Some would argue that 8th in the Premier League isn't good enough, a club with Liverpool's rich history should be placed much higher. However the club is in a period of transition, the players need time to establish themselves as a team rather than a group of individuals, the manager should have been given time to establish his team, time to buy the players he chooses or promote youngsters from within rather than have to deal with certain players he's inherited that maybe don't have the club's best interests at heart, and let's also not forget that Liverpool have won a trophy this season - some argue the League Cup isn't a "proper" trophy however it's still a trophy that Dalglish lead his team to win this season!

Dalglish isn't without his faults, but let's face it nobody's perfect. His handling of the whole Suarez incident was poor to put it mildly and I believe this was a big factor in FSG's decision to part company with Dalglish.

The question now is who replaces him, and how much time will they be given? The current favourite is Wigan's Roberto Martinez who has been mediocre for all but 6 weeks of this season. Could Rafa Benitez make a return to Anfield? If the club's owners want Liverpool to match or exceed their expectations then they need to employ a proven winning manager such as Mourinho or Guardiola, not only that, they'll need to ensure the new manager is given an adequate budget to build a winning squad.

The sad truth is that only money can ensure success in modern Football.

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