Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


I bought this bracelet today, it seemed pretty necessary. I went into school for a little while today (we have study leave this week, you see) to see Lesley and Rosie and to get a little revision done, which didn't happen because this is us I'm talking about. We got bored and decided to go to town for a little while, and we hopped on the bus and did just that. We visited a little hippy shop while we were there, it was lovely, but aren't all hippy shops? That's where I bought my bracelet. We then went to a park and had some fun taking photos and playing in the park, you wouldn't think that we're all seventeen. Well I'm not yet seventeen, but it's a month today until my birthday! Rosie said I may be allowed to have a party at her house, and I'm going to make it a 60s themed party, which obviously means the Beatles. But we'll see. I met my Mum after I'd been to town and we went to go and find a dress for me for a wedding we're going to soon, which is never exciting. We went for a meal and it was nice just to talk to her properly and for it to be just me and her, it's been a while. She was laughing at how much I've changed, in a pleasant way, and I think she's beginning to be proud of me. I think she understands me now.

My first exam is tomorrow, it's a Sociology one, and I'm beyond stressed. But at the same time I really couldn't give a damn, I'm doing different lessons next year and so I don't need these subjects. But still, exams are terrifying. But they'll be done and dusted this time next Friday.

I really enjoyed myself today. I think it's because it was decided last minute what we were going to do, unplanned things always end up being really fun. I love Lesley, Rosie and David so much, they're all I could ever ask for in a group of friends. And you don't hear me saying that very often, so there you go.

Song of the day. On the rare occasions where I tear myself away from my old music, I come across lovely songs like this.

I fucking hate my life.

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