Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Do you remember me saying that write a letter to myself every year? Just to remind myself what I have achieved or done in the past 365 days.

Well this year was no different, I opened my letter a little early because I'm busy next week and I wanted to write a proper response. It is actually crazy how much I have done this year, like actually actually crazy. 

Just to sum up, I've had two boyfriends, been on dates, turned 19, been to centre parcs, Amsterdam and Dundee, finished college and started Uni, met some crazy people and some great people, learnt how to meditate and went blonde.

I literally haven't stopped this year, I have just kept on going and going, doing everything at once. But I have been blipping the whole time so you should know really.
Also, look how sad my owl looks? Why so sad owl?

Happy Blipping.

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