Calm after the storm

Yesterday was not the total oasis of relaxation we had hoped for. We were watching Dr Who at about 8.40pm when I heard noises at the back of the house. I rushed out into the kitchen - the noises were coming from outside and were explosive - and through the side window I could see flames in the derelict building next door. Everything happened very quickly after that - OB called 999, someone hammered on the front door and we went out, to find that fire engines were already there.

The fire service controlled the fire, though it was 2 hours before they were confident there were no remaining sparks. No one was hurt, and the fire didn't damage our or anyone else's house. It was, however, a mighty scary experience. And we didn't have the best night's sleep. 

We don't know how it started, but three lads were seen climbing over the gate into the site before the fire. We hope this will be the kick up the backside which the company who are supposed to be developing the site need. 

Today OB and I went to Brecon, where I bought new walking boots and a super-warm down jacket for my travels. Then we had tea in a pink tearoom with this pink chandelier. Feeling calmer. 

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