Optimo part 2

Thoroughly enjoyed Optimo as ever but it was the latest I've ever made it home from one I think. Sam, Alex and HEather were exhausted so Roz took them home around half past two but suggested I stay until it finished at four and get the half past four bus home.

It turned out there was no half past four bus, it was actually at four and I missed it so the next one was at half past six. Thankfully Keith and I ona looked after me and we stayed in the Sub Club until they had packed up at five before heading up to theirs for a drink with another couple of their friends. I ended up heading to the train station for the half past six train and between that and a freezing cold bus back out to Queensferry, the driver of which didn't apparently see the point of turning the heating on for only one passenger, I made it home for about half past eight. Ah it was worth it though as the music was great. And I had a fantastic time.

A big sleep when I got in though and a few dozes on the couch this evening while I deal with this hangover.

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